Cauliflower Noodle Bowl Stir Fry

A noodle bowl is a quick and simple meal that is easily customizable. A combination of vegetables, noodles, and sauce is warm, filling, and tasty! This cauliflower noodle bowl is made with peanut orange sauce that is a little spicy, a little sour, and a little sweet – a winning combination!

Make leftover pasta more interesting by creating a noodle bowl.

Chef’s notes
Cook vegetables by stir frying, add sauce, then add cooked pasta and the noodle bowl is ready to serve. This can be an easy way to use leftover pasta and make it taste completely different and not like leftovers.

  • Noodles – I used leftover spaghetti.
  • Vegetables – pictured are onions, garlic, and battered cauliflower. Peppers, broccoli, zucchini, edamame, cabbage, peas, carrots, and water chestnuts would also work well for a noodle bowl stir fry. I also added firm tofu pieces.
  • Sauce – stir fry the vegetables in a bit of sesame oil. When vegetables are almost fully cooked, add 1 – 2 tsp of sesame oil and
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1 tbsp each of lemon juice, lime juice, peanut butter, agave, soy sauce
  • 1/ tsp each of chipotle pepper, oregano, onion powder, garlic powder

Battered cauliflower:
Mix equal parts corn flour and chickpea flour with water to make a thick, smooth batter. Cut cauliflower into small pieces and coat with batter (an easy way to coat the cauliflower is to put several pieces into the bowl with the batter and stir).
Fry briefly in a lightly oiled pan to brown the cauliflower and make it crispy, then transfer the cauliflower to the oven to finish cooking (350 degree convection oven works well). The cauliflower can cook in the oven while the rest of the stir fry is being prepared.